Saturday, September 24, 2005

so long rita

will wonders never cease - spent the night with two of my sons and their families - stayed up til 3:30 waiting for the worst of it and it never came - i wont make light of it because im sure there was suffering east of here that i could only have imagined - other than an 1"+ of rain and a few broken limbs we faired well on this side of houston - hope everyone else did as well

have a good day

Friday, September 23, 2005

much ado about not much

damn! why can't i believe the weather prognosticators - a week of build up to WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - and it hasn't even hit landfall and they're telling us "well it might not end up being as bad as we warned you it would be" - being that we're on the clean side of the storm, we're currently getting high winds and some light rain - but nothing like the misinformation that we've been fed - anticlimatic, thats what it seems to be - im not going to complain any more, guess i'll just wait and see what the rest of the night brings

hurricane party is in full swing tho - at least that's living up to expectations

And now for something completely different

im all ready - and ready to get it over with - lose power - keep power - just get me to the point where i can deal with something besides the mind numbing hurricane tracking stream showing us where it will hit, might hit, could hit - ive picked up the things that could become missiles from the yard, battened down the hatches, boarded up the windows and just sat down for a bit - waiting on this thing is more draining than most anything ive done before - i dont know how people can do this continually and not want to move someplace safe - but between earthquakes, snow storms, mud slides, tornados and all the other natural i guess the only place like that is fantasy land.

the optimist in me says all things will be okay and i'll be able to talk to those of you i chat with in the morning - the realist says i hope i weather the storm well and that i'll talk to you when i can - i'll be here this evening - leave a message if you wish - if i have power saturday morning, i'll write something here - if not i'll send something when i can

puzzy? if i get to OZ i'll send you directions - maybe we can find one of the munchkins up there about your height and . . . .

and as bad as it may end up being here, there are far more people that will deal with far more than i will - and those who are facing round two in NO my hopes and prayers to all them - if i don't post anything tonight, i'll talk to you all tomorrow (the optimist wanted me to write that)


Thursday, September 22, 2005

lovely rita - pt2

how prophetic!!! they showed a slight shift in ritas track last night, and sure enough this mornings updated track confirms what i feared - here comes rita!!!! right over galveston, into galveston bay, up the trinity river, skirting houston just a bit to the east, and on up into east texas. i'm now on the cleaner side of the hurricane - how come i dont feel safer?

came into work this morning, contending a little normalcy will make me feel better. normal!!! all the freeways out of here are packed, but i go the opposite way and traffic flowed free and easy. i wish i had others fluency with words - to tell whats happening. i guess i'll justwrite every now and then.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

lovely rita - pt1

I'll take a Rita! Straight up the ass!!!! Waiting on a hurricane sucks!! I never knew what fun DB and other Floridites had all this time. And it's a big fucker too!! Ranking up there with the 5 top dogs of recorded times. So far I will be staying put. I'm far enough away from the coast that I'll only be in danger from the 12"+ of rain, associated flooding, the 100mph possible winds and an occasional hurricane spawned tornado. What must be worse though is having to run from it. Leaving behind a home and not knowing what will be there when you return.

The lessons not learned in New Orleans are being taken very much into account here in Houston. I work right off the Toll road and all day long, a steady stream of traffic was headed north. 80 + caravans of school buses, all kinds of ambulances, travel and horse trailers. Everybody's leaving. But they're still playing football tomorrow night. Can't not have football being played. That might get people really upset. I met an angry young man over Labor Day. We were down in Galveston and he was a fugee. He didn't want to be and in talking to him, thats what he was mad about. He had been run out of New Orleans. Didn't know when he could go back, or if he could ever go back. I'd be pissed too. Well, now he's on the move again. Galveston has been evacuated. I hope he was in the caravan of cars, and trucks and other vehicles I watched today.

And its not even supposed to hit us. Until you watch the news, with their 24 hr updates from the weather men, TV's new terror mongers, the storm surgers, bringing you up to date info on what's gonna happen. It's freakin people out, my wife being one of them. She's mad at me cause I'm not scared enough, or haven't bought enough emergency generators. Perhaps shes just scared and I'm the one thats supposed to get her through that. I'm trying, but then she gets mad cause I'm trying not to be afraid. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do. And then I watch the storm tracker radar showing the track turning; too soon bitch, I don't want a Rita that bad; starting its turn north before they expected, shifting its landfall closer to Galveston.

My mind was racing a while ago. Its calmer now. I guess writing something down calmed me. Wish it would help my stomach stop quivering.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

my mind need its own blog - pt1

i dont sleep all that well of late - my mind races, thousands of things and i cant keep track - i lay awake at nite (lots) and tonight isnt much different - except i got tired of staring at my eyelids and decided my brain needed its own blog - so here i am, 2 hours before i have to wake up and im still not sleepy enough to sleep - i need some wires coming out of my head attached to a computer that would register my good thoughts and ideas - sexual ideas & thoughts register somewhere else and then i cant sleep for a different reason (and especially on my stomach)

but the thing that kept coming back to me tonight, is emailing - i lost some chat buddies here recently (they claim to be busy, but how long does it take to answer an email) - i like the written word - i use it all the time to convey and question and i try and do it well (well, except for punctuation) - so i like to write and will carefully craft something to send - i write and rewrite til i get something that i think is easy to read and not to difficult to respond to - and sometimes when i get the response back its written with the same clarity and vision i imagine mine to have contained - but wtf am i supposed to do when nothing comes back? did they receive it? did they ignore it? were they so floored with the superbly written sentences that they dont want to belittle its perfectness? so i think about sending a "hey did you get my last email" - but having received enough times the; 1) dont try and guilt me or 2) were not ignoring you (should we get you a tissue?) response, i just wonder - i even turned off outlook today cause i found myself checking it so often with no results it further depressed me - so i dont get answers to things i really want responses to? should i worry about it - NO! - but i do. when my mind races and its 2 oclock in the morning and sleep eludes me, i do think about it - and a thousand other things - if youre lucky, i wont be posting anymore of the thousand "blogs of my mind" -- enough! im tired

Sunday, September 11, 2005

full and heavy

she lay in bed, on her belly, one leg bent and her arms above my head - her hair fans out all around her, and her bent leg just visible - a glimpse of her ankle peeks out from the sheet that covers her ass and one leg - she doesnt wear the shirt she usually sleeps in - his shirt - she makes him wear it for a while after she washes it so she can smell him - she lays half awake, and waits for him to come to bed.

he walks into the room, the moonlight flowing into the room thru the large windows - trying to be quiet, thankful that her bedroom is light so he wont bump things or do something to wake her - shes insatiable and when he wakes her he knows she'll want him - as much as he wants her - but he doesnt want her right now - he just wants to look at her - just for a while - all this time together and he still likes watching her - her hair, her smile - the way she walks - he just cant get enough - he takes in her sleeping form, spies her ankle and is tempted to cover it - as he sits in the chair beside the bed, he notes his shirt - he looks at her, sees the bare shoulder beneath the sheets and warms to the thought of her being naked - she rolls over in bed and he glimpses her breasts - and then theyre covered again an she pulls the sheet around her - he remembers her breasts, can still see them even tho they are covered - full and heavy, his pillows after they make love, as he tries to recoup his strength - remembers the times he laid still beside her, simply breathing and tracing the little ridges - he stands - moves to the end of the bed . . .

shes half asleep when she hear him come into the room, trying to be quiet -but she can smell his scent - as it becomes quieter, she peeks out of the corner of closed eyelids and see him sitting beside the bed - watching her and she is tempted to ask if everythings ok - she rolls over, her breasts exposed for a moment, but she pulls the sheet up and over them, feigning being cold - and pretends to sleep - her eyes mere slits, she looks at him, standing just at the end of the bed, looking down at her as he undresses - naked, he comes toward her and she sees his cock - full and heavy - and she warms to the thought of him coming to bed - warms to the thought of him cumming . . . .

Friday, September 02, 2005

Tagged on my Birthday - Thanks

1. Nervous habits?
fingernail biting
2. Are you double jointed?
only where my collar bone is broken
3. Can you roll your tongue?
yep – tie cherry stems in knots too
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?
only by lowering the other
5. Can you blow spit bubbles?
when I sieze up, im a veritable fountain
6. Can you cross your eyes?
7. Tattoos?
only press ons
8. Piercings?
9. Do you make your bed daily?
10. Which shoe goes on first?
I wear boots most days - left
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone?
ive dodged a few
12. On average, how much money do you carry?
$50, decreasing til payday
13. What jewellry do you wear 24/7?24 hours a day?
I don’t wear any
14. Favourite piece of clothing?
socks, unless im wearing sandals

15. Do you twist your spaghetti or cut it?
16. Have you ever eaten Spam?
long ago and far away
17. Do you use extra salt on your food?
I use tony cacheres

18. How many cereals in your cupboard?
a few good ones (frosted flakes, capt crunch) and a few others

19. What is your favourite beverage?
Ice cold beer on a hot day (or Coke)
20. What is your favourite fast food restaurant?
Panchos (I knows its not really fast) but raise the flag, & they bring food to your table
21. Do you cook?

22. How often do you brush your teeth?
once a day and before I plan on kissing
23. Hair drying method?
24. Have you ever coloured/highlighted your hair?
which hair ? (im follically challenged)

25. Do you swear?
on occasion I have been know to.
26. Do you ever spit?
i have to – its genetic

27. Animal?
28. Food?
moms fried chicken, mashed potatos, cream gravy, corn on the cob and cobbler
29. Month
30. Day?
31. Cartoon?
rarely if ever, but simpsons
32. Shoe brand?
boots – durangos at the moment
33. Subject in school?
studying the beauty of women – continuing education
34. Color?
im told blue is my color
35. Sport?
36. TV Shows?
37. Thing To Do In The Spring?
work on body before tanning
38. Thing To Do In The Summer?
39. Thing To Do In The Autumn?
40. Thing To Do In The Winter?
41. In The CD Player?
bonny raitt
42. Person you talk on the phone most with?
43. Reading?
historical fiction – Jean Auel
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors?
no – its frightening
45. What colour is your bedroom?
46. Do you use an alarm clock?
my mind needs one/my body doesn’t like to sleep tho
47. Window seat or aisle?
depends on who I have to share with
48. What's your sleeping position?
prone – unless I blog too long and then its L shaped
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?
50. Do you snore?
im told I do – but I tell her she does and she doesn’t believe me, so . . . .
51. Do you sleepwalk?
52. Do you talk in your sleep?
no – I can pretend if shes listening
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
only myself
54. How about with the light on?
55. Do you fall asleep with the radio or TV on?
on occasion
56. Last interesting person you met.
I haven’t met her yet, but we chat sometimes

Since Natalia is curious about tags, she can have this one to learn on